Thursday, May 22, 2014

DJ Casper has cancelled the deal with 2realradio and we now found out there are 9 people who make up Fred tha Frog

Because of last night's blog release DJ Casper has decided not to continue talks with 2real4rado.  We have the actual text messages sent to the CEO of 2real4radio.  It seems like DJ Casper believes that the CEO is making childish jokes about Fred tha Frog a large stuffed animal.  Yung Bizness CEO of 2real4radio says,
"I like Greg, you know DJ Casper.  I don't have any beef with him, he is a funny guy, but that Frog, now thats some funny shit.  How can he get mad if I make childish jokes about a stuffed animal, its a fucking stuffed animal."  While reading the text message it was revealed that there is 9 people behind Fred tha Frog. While doing more research we have discovered the names and profiles of the 9 members.

Benny tha Bufflo
Gary tha Gator
Fred tha Frog

Jerry tha Jack Rabbit

Larry tha Lion

Roland just Roland
Donnie tha Deer
Paul tha Panda

Manny tha Moose

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fred tha Frog and DJ Casper tries to ink deal with Heavy Crown Entertainment and

DJ Casper and Swagg
Fred tha Frog and DJ Casper came down to the offices of Heavy Crown Entertainment the headquarters of on Monday trying to ink out a distribution deal with the company.  "Man the beef is over," DJ Casper said.  "Yall dudes are too heavy in these streets, yall are the streets," he continued. "I wanna take yall's concept to other cities."  DJ Casper aka Greg Smith is the acting voice and business manager of the Fred tha Frog a large stuffed animal.  Swagg was heated over the recent beef between the Company Heavy Crown Entertainment and the act Fred tha Frog.  The beef was squashed after the two side met.  Yung Bizness CEO of Heavy Crown Entertainment is now in works with DJ Casper on distribution deals to other cities.  Yung Bizness said, "The deal might be good for both sides, but I aint fucking around with no stuffed animal period!"  Heavy Crown Entertainment still runs these streets and is the station.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Donald Sterling set to fire Doc Rivers today and hire Colonel Sanders

Sources close to the LA Clippers said that owner Donald Sterling is set to fire Doc Rivers today based on the poor preforms in the playoffs. Sterling is set to hire KFC's Colonel Sanders to a 3 year deal. Sterling said, "Doc can't get us to the finals, if these niggas wont jump for Doc, I bet they will jump for chicken!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ketro the Dream of show "Yall's World" tried to commit suicide today after finally hating the last two people one earth.

At 6:05 PM Wednesday Evening KD also known as Ketro the Dream tried to commit suicide after finally hating the last two people on earth.  Last week Ketro won the "South Carolina Hater of the Year Award", but today that award was realized when he tried to end his own life.  These were the words of KD right before the happening. "I hate that nigga off of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the fucking butler.  Trying to be Benson, he aint no fucking Benson, fuck that nigga and fuck Benson too."  After that incident KD had realized that he finally hated everyone in the entire earth.  Following that KD took a selfie on his Iphone 4 phone and realized that all he had left to hate was, himself.  "Fuck that nigga in the selfie, fuck me." KD shouted, Swagg told KD, "chill homie".  KD left the station and hopped in his car and left.  KD then went to Dollar General to make a purchased that almost ended it all.  KD is a non pork eating dude, so he purchased a can of pork and beans and swallowed that white square shit in the can and was soon rushed to the hospital.  KD is doing fine resting in his bed as we speak and hope to see him "early" in the morning back hating all over again. TOP 10 UGLIEST RAPPERS OF ALL TIME.

If ugly was sneakers these 10 rappers are Jordans.  They so ugly their mommas fed them with slingshots. This is Top 10 ugliest rappers of all times.

10.  Busta Rhymes

This nigga should be called "Why did his father Busta a Nut".  With his wide nose and overbearing lips, it looks like Busta should pay for air by the inhale.  Busta so ugly they quarantine his mother after she gave birth to his ugly ass.

9. Rick Ross

Ross the Boss looks like he got jumped in by all the gangs in America.  He made it cute to be fat, shit no he didn't, put your shirt back on motherfucker with your breast milk ass titties.  That nigga is so ugly, if didn't wear sunglasses that motherfucker would of never got signed. 

8. Hurricane Chris

If the Brat and the nigga that died off Kris Kross had a child it would be Hurricane Chris, shit it really might be.  Here is another sunglasses wearing as nigga, like shades is makeup, get the fuck outta here.  Keep looking at his picture...the nigga is actually smiling.

7. 50 Cent

Mr G-Unit huh, and you know what the "G" stands for...him!  This muscle-bound rapper said he got shot 9 times, well it looks like all nine of those bullets didn't miss his face.  Nigga stop walking around with your bulletproof vest on your chest and strap it on your dome you ugly motherfucker.

6. Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy? A nigga should of soulja a brown paper bag to put over your head.  This nigga looks like a half transvestite, half full blown AIDS patient, and half WTF!  Soulja Boy, you need to crank that youu... better stop getting punched in the motherfucking face.  This nigga look like Ciara in the video "Like a Boy".

5. Lil Kim

The only thing that is saving this bitch from being at the top of these charts is her pussy.  This bitch's countless plastic surgeries now makes her look like PACMAN.  Where is the ol' Lil Kim at? Back then she wasn't all that fine, but the bitch was respectable, now she got Big Poppa rolling in his grave.  She always wanted to be just like B.I.G. now she looks like him.

4. Birdman

This nigga got wings right? So why don't his ugly ass clap his hands two times and fly the fuck away.  This nigga look like one of those turtles in Super Mario Bros.  Why do people think that gold in ya mouth gunna solve yo ugliness problem, it wont.  Best thing for Birdman to do is cover his whole face in tats then put a brown bag over his face, then cut two holes out of the brown paper bag so he can see, then look in the mirror and die from his reflection.  I now see why Drake said, "Motherfuckers Never Loved Us."

3. Cheif Keef

Oh, so this is what Chubaka off of Star Wars looks like after a good shave.  Well nigga you need not shave. For this nigga to look any better he would have to grow his dreads longer so it would cover his face.  Look at his teeth, they look like they fighting for position in his mouth.  Yo Cheif you look like a goat boy, dirty face no soap boy, if looks were life boy, you would die by night boy!

2. Jay-Z

OMG who let Joe Camel loose and made him a rapper.  Jigga my nigga you look like a burnt Butterfinger.  Jay-Z's teeth look like large piano keys thats why he can't keep his mouth closed.  Shout out to Solange for trying to beat some looks into Jigga my Nigga.  We found out that Jay-Z was actually the Hamster that was driving the car in those Kia Soul commercials.

 1. Lil Wayne

I guess the apple down fall from the tree, cuz Birdman's son is the winner of the Ugliest Rapper of all Times. Lil Wayne is small in stature, but huge in ugliness.  Not to continue to keep on using Star Wars terms but Lil Wayne has to be kin to C3PO.  Lil Wayne is so ugly, he needs to change the name of his clothing line from "Trukfit" to "Trukhit" because thats what face looks like it got hit by.  Once again congrats to you Lil Wayne!

The reason for the brawl between Jay-Z and Solange Knowles was over nude pictures of Beyonce. spoke with the Security Guard in the elevator during the scuffle between Jay-Z and Solange and he said, "Nigga sent me a picture of B naked and we was laughing about that shit, next thing you know B and Solo rolls up behind us right in front of the elevator, I didnt think Solo saw the pic on my phone but she did.  She was like "who da fuck sent you that shit?", I was like Jay did, then the bitch started wildin out. I was like "chill bitch chill", "stop with dat bullshit", but she kept on kicking and punching Jay.  Yo, I'm a strong dude but Solo was on some tiger lion shit, her eyes turn fucking red and she just went after Jay."  Jay's Security Guard also sent us the pictures and we have them here on this blog.  We ask the Guard if Jay sent those pictures to anyone in Beyonce's family and he said, "Whodatfuck Knowles".

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 show "Yall's World" almost got cancelled because host got too heated on a topic. Sparks fly, Young Fat Niggas are #2real!

Today first ever "Yall's World" almost got its plug pulled because hosts got to heated at each other during a discussion topic on the show.  The show "Yall's World" is hosted by Ketro, he is one member of the "Young Fat Niggas", which are online radio personalities on the controversial  His counterpart Swagg host the show "The #2Real Show" airing Monday thru Saturday from 4pm to 7pm.  While Ketro was hosting his show Swagg was debate him about topics from the police and his beliefs.  It got really really heated, next thing you know "motherfuckers" were being shouted with also some, "shut the fuck up".  

Guest Royal Diamond and Lady E had to help break these two young fat niggas up.  We have the exclusive video so check it out and tell us what you think.



Young Fat Niggas

Sunday, May 11, 2014

New NFL like football league is in the works, talks begin today. 95% of the league will be woman and only 5% will be men.

Yes its true!  There is a new NFL concept league in the works, the league name is not created yet but will be shortly.  The league will consist of 95% female and 5% male. Both male and female will be both share lockers and socialize just like their NFL counterparts do.  There will be only a couple of rules that will be different from the NFL.

  • The percent of difference of gender (male and female) will always remain the same.  Each team can only have 60 players total 57 females and 3 men.
  • All members of the team will share locker rooms and will be treated as equal players of the team
  • The strength, speed and over all athletics of all the men in the league will be measured by the same attributes of  strongest, fastest and most athletic female so that any man that is more athletic than the most athletic female will be removed from the league to equalized all members of the league.

Ok, that was a lot to take in.  Now do you think that this league would be fair or equal?  I think yes, because the all members should be mostly on the same level.  Do you think these players will be focused? Maybe not, think about showering with the opposite sex, or even being on the line against the opposite sex sweaty, steamy and ready to tackle your opponent to the ground.  Sexy huh?

Now lets list some facts to continue this story.

  • It's been estimated that men think about sex every seven seconds - or 8,000 times in 16 waking hours.
  • The average length of a football play is 6 to 7 seconds. Many running plays that end in less than 2 yards gained are only 3 seconds long. Short running plays around the corners, short passes and quarterback sacks are about 5 seconds long. Longer running plays and intermediate pass plays are about 7 seconds long. Big gain plays last over 10 seconds. Remember that most pro players can run 10 yards per second at full speed. Since your question asks about the time until the whistle, another half a second passes before the whistle is blown. The longest plays involve the kicking game, where a kick and a return are involved. 

So in a league with 5% men most of the play the guy will be thinking about sexing their opponent or other teammate.  Now that's focus.  Now many of you might ask, "why in the hell are there only going to be 5% men and 95% woman?"

Here is your answer.... ABOUT 5% OF THE USA'S POPULATION IS GAY! Now the above league is not true but its all set up to make an argument and let me say that I am not anti-gay or anything like that but I am arguing that letting a gay man into a straight male dominated league will is the same thing like having the above league exist, the loss of focus in the game.

Michael Sam has became the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL.  Now in a league with strong athletic men to you think the urge of looking or be distracted by other males will outweigh his focus on the game?  What about the straight players whom might feel uncomfortable tackling or blocking someone who is sexually attracted to the your sex.  You might say that in college he was focused, so focused in fact that he was drafted into the NFL, but he hid his sexuality and the opponent didn't know it.  Now that he is out in the open other players will now have the thought in the back of their minds that, "wow this dude is gay".  Will his opponent be unfocused?  People say that most injuries happen when you are unfocused or not playing to your abilities.  Will Michael Sam cause injury to other players second thinking about his sexuality will playing at 100 mph? Maybe.  What about the locker room situation.  Will the band of brotherhood be in jeopardy in the NFL locker room when you think that Michael Sam is looking at your dick.  He might be when he was in college but you didn't notice it because he was hiding his truth.  

Look Michael Sam is having his cake and eating it to, but we never knew it because he was hiding his truth. Any straight man would love to be in a league that had 95% women it in, being in a locker room with naked woman in it and getting PAID for it!  Umm hmm, this cake taste so so good and what? Look at that ass, oh I forgot...I am playing football.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

When Light Skinned Niggas Collide. T.I. and Apollo confront each other over comments of SNITCHING

T.I. and Killer Mike confronted Real House Wives of Atlanta's Apollo, which is Phadrea's husband. Apollo has been in trouble with the law and copped a plea with snitching to the feds and wearing a wire. Apollo THINKS its similar to T.I.'s case. According to Apollo, T.I. and Mike Vick snitched to get less time in jail. Which is NOT true. T.I. caught up with Apollo with the cameras rolling and made it extremely clear that their cases were not the same. T.I. did not snitch, did his time and never looked back.Looks like you wont here Apollo and T.I. in the same sentence, any more.

Mothers Day has officially been cancelled this year 2014 due to the increase in butch dyking.

Butches everywhere are calling for the cancellation to this years Mothers Day celebration, couple that with the huge increase in "Butching" has put this holiday at risk this year.

The Urban Dictionary has termed the word "butch"  as:

an overtly/stereo-typically masculine or masculine-acting woman. can be used to denote an individual, or the dominant role in a lesbian relationship. marge is pretty butch. she's really strong, fixes cars better than a mechanic, and takes damn good care of her woman.

Because theses butches want to keep true to the term they are banding together to put a halt to Mother's Day.  One man-looking butch said, "Do I look like a fucking mother?" and also said, "I'm a dude, chin-hair and all." During the bareback parade in Philadelphia this year swarms of heavy titty hanging woman marched for bare chest equality while walking in the streets.  "We wanna be just like men, if its hot we wanna be able to take our tops off and feel comfortable too," said one of the big butches.  During the march a couple of the #2Real Reporters became suddenly lactose intolerant.

Natalac drops a phone interview with 2real4radio and then drops by 2real Studios!

The Superman Daddy, the OG Pimp Natalac drops a phone interview yesterday with 2real4radio speaking about is new album "There is Only One Natalac....Google Me", this is his 11th album from him.  He also schools peeps on the street on how to live a pimplife.  The pimp of the city is real and his name is Natalac!

Friday, May 9, 2014

The actual body of Jesus Christ was he he white...???

The actual body of Jesus Christ was found late tonight by the Spinx Gas Station on Decker Blvd in Columbia, SC. His American name was Jesus Christ but his Spanish name was one of those long ones; Jesus Roberto Juan Two Hector Vazquez Taco Taco Christ.  He was fatally shot trying to run away from two police officers after being warned to pull over and refusing to show his drivers license while riding his scooter in the yellow dividers.  The police thought that he was carrying a deadly weapon but late found out that it was just one over ripened avocado bought a few blocks away.  Friends say that Jesus lived an amazing life, even after the disaster he survived while living in Kansas.  Reporters ask to speak on the disaster that Jesus survived and he said, "Well, about 4 years ago a tornado hit only one house in a trailer park in Amigo Kansas, all 45 people died that lived in the house and only Jesus made it out safely."  Richland County Police Department will be investigating more on this matter and more details will be updated when we get word. Jesus Christ is survived by two roosters and a can of Goya Beans.

Dudes across Columbia, SC are asking Yung Pimpn AKA Slim P a simple question...

Droves of dudes are begging Yung Pimpn to bring back ours girls.  The hashtag saying is all over twitter and facebook #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS. One guy would like to remain nameless but we still don't give a fuck, Greg Smith says, "Yung Pimpn, I need my bitch back, you had her long enough".  Yung Pimpn was unable to comment because he was up in another bitch.  Even Michelle Obama got in on the fray, little did Barack Obama knows he is fucking his wife too!

KD from has won the South Carolina Hater of the Year Award

Ketro "KD" Leshore has recently won the "South Carolina Hater of the Year Award" beating RolandVanbeverhoudt slightly according to the Board of Haters of South Carolina. KD has been 
hating ever since he was young. "I hated my first nigga when I was around 3 years old in the daycare center,
the motherfucker took my spot in "duck duck goose", fuck that shit."  KD was once found hating on 3 people at one time, "Look at that bitches shoes, she got those shit's off Zelda, yo homeboy are those Guess Jeans you wearing, yo momma head so small she washes her hair in a shot glass."   KD even hated on the award presenter,"yo motherfucker you so short yo posed for the award you bout to give me"  The hate is out of this world.

Scandalous pictures of Barbie Selfmade Douzart is all over facebook. Plus we have the oiling up of that ass from Swagg!

Big gurl Barbie Douzart aka BRE has scandalous pictures all over the net.  We have the actual video of her ass getting oiled up by Swagg.  Can you believe these two large individuals in a porno? Do you think it could happen? Updates coming later about the meat mashup! Remember to listen to the #2Real Show starting Swagg today from 4pm-7pm only on  Also download the Tunein App to your smartphone and search for "2real4radio" to also get connected.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"The Leak" is in the Streets...

Just dropped today is the "The Leak", Celebrity Sextapes Exposed. Sextapes from Kim and Ray J, Montana Fishburne, R Kelly and Fantasia just to name a few. Kayne West was like... well fuck Kayne West.

Swagg from the 2Real Show is caught eating pussy.

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