Tuesday, May 13, 2014

2real4radio.com show "Yall's World" almost got cancelled because host got too heated on a topic. Sparks fly, Young Fat Niggas are #2real!

Today first ever "Yall's World" almost got its plug pulled because hosts got to heated at each other during a discussion topic on the show.  The show "Yall's World" is hosted by Ketro, he is one member of the "Young Fat Niggas", which are online radio personalities on the controversial 2real4radio.com.  His counterpart Swagg host the show "The #2Real Show" airing Monday thru Saturday from 4pm to 7pm.  While Ketro was hosting his show Swagg was debate him about topics from the police and his beliefs.  It got really really heated, next thing you know "motherfuckers" were being shouted with also some, "shut the fuck up".  

Guest Royal Diamond and Lady E had to help break these two young fat niggas up.  We have the exclusive video so check it out and tell us what you think.



Young Fat Niggas

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