Sunday, May 11, 2014

New NFL like football league is in the works, talks begin today. 95% of the league will be woman and only 5% will be men.

Yes its true!  There is a new NFL concept league in the works, the league name is not created yet but will be shortly.  The league will consist of 95% female and 5% male. Both male and female will be both share lockers and socialize just like their NFL counterparts do.  There will be only a couple of rules that will be different from the NFL.

  • The percent of difference of gender (male and female) will always remain the same.  Each team can only have 60 players total 57 females and 3 men.
  • All members of the team will share locker rooms and will be treated as equal players of the team
  • The strength, speed and over all athletics of all the men in the league will be measured by the same attributes of  strongest, fastest and most athletic female so that any man that is more athletic than the most athletic female will be removed from the league to equalized all members of the league.

Ok, that was a lot to take in.  Now do you think that this league would be fair or equal?  I think yes, because the all members should be mostly on the same level.  Do you think these players will be focused? Maybe not, think about showering with the opposite sex, or even being on the line against the opposite sex sweaty, steamy and ready to tackle your opponent to the ground.  Sexy huh?

Now lets list some facts to continue this story.

  • It's been estimated that men think about sex every seven seconds - or 8,000 times in 16 waking hours.
  • The average length of a football play is 6 to 7 seconds. Many running plays that end in less than 2 yards gained are only 3 seconds long. Short running plays around the corners, short passes and quarterback sacks are about 5 seconds long. Longer running plays and intermediate pass plays are about 7 seconds long. Big gain plays last over 10 seconds. Remember that most pro players can run 10 yards per second at full speed. Since your question asks about the time until the whistle, another half a second passes before the whistle is blown. The longest plays involve the kicking game, where a kick and a return are involved. 

So in a league with 5% men most of the play the guy will be thinking about sexing their opponent or other teammate.  Now that's focus.  Now many of you might ask, "why in the hell are there only going to be 5% men and 95% woman?"

Here is your answer.... ABOUT 5% OF THE USA'S POPULATION IS GAY! Now the above league is not true but its all set up to make an argument and let me say that I am not anti-gay or anything like that but I am arguing that letting a gay man into a straight male dominated league will is the same thing like having the above league exist, the loss of focus in the game.

Michael Sam has became the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL.  Now in a league with strong athletic men to you think the urge of looking or be distracted by other males will outweigh his focus on the game?  What about the straight players whom might feel uncomfortable tackling or blocking someone who is sexually attracted to the your sex.  You might say that in college he was focused, so focused in fact that he was drafted into the NFL, but he hid his sexuality and the opponent didn't know it.  Now that he is out in the open other players will now have the thought in the back of their minds that, "wow this dude is gay".  Will his opponent be unfocused?  People say that most injuries happen when you are unfocused or not playing to your abilities.  Will Michael Sam cause injury to other players second thinking about his sexuality will playing at 100 mph? Maybe.  What about the locker room situation.  Will the band of brotherhood be in jeopardy in the NFL locker room when you think that Michael Sam is looking at your dick.  He might be when he was in college but you didn't notice it because he was hiding his truth.  

Look Michael Sam is having his cake and eating it to, but we never knew it because he was hiding his truth. Any straight man would love to be in a league that had 95% women it in, being in a locker room with naked woman in it and getting PAID for it!  Umm hmm, this cake taste so so good and what? Look at that ass, oh I forgot...I am playing football.

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